The Wall street crash
Who was the US President during that time?Herbert Hoover.
How did ordinary people get affected?
They lost their job, can't pay rent ans buy, food, became homeless.
What is the meaning of hooverville?
A shanty town made from old
What is the 3 things thay he promise to the US people?
Relief for homeless, recovery which means jobs, reform new governmnet
What is the "no. 1 nation's problem" during 1933?
A place called Tennessey Valley.
What is the main problem that occurs at Tenessey Valley during that time?
Tennesey River which flooded every spring and dried up during summer destroyed millions tons of soil.
TVA is a program created to solve problems at Tenessey Valley.
Who created TVA?
Franklin Delano Roosavelt
What did TVA do to solve this problems?
Built over 30 dam.
How did the dam solve Tenessey Valley's problem?
They will close the dam's gate whenever the river threatened to flood and opened when the river dried.
What is alphabet agencies?
An organisation created to plan what FDR need to do to deal government.
How did alphabet agencies help the farmers?
Farm Credit Administration (FCA )
Agriculture Adjustment Agency (AAA)
What did FDR do to solve the beer problems?
He make the beer business legal again.
What are the new law that New Deal do?
Emergency Act
Economy Act
Beer Act
Who are the people whom get the benefit for the New Deal?
Farmer, homeless, unemployed, poors
Who dislike the idea of the New Deal?
The rich, businessmen, republican, supreme court.
Why some people dislike New Deal?
They think ND interfere in people life too much
They think ND didn't help people enough.
What did FDR do to solve this problems?
Came up with second New Deal.
Who are the Brain Trust?
A group of a clever people who give the idea to FDR on how to plan the government.
Some people don't like the New Deal so FDR came up with the Second New Deal. He changed a few organisation. Which of them are true?
NLRA replace NRA
SCA replace AAA
How did NRA help industry and workers?
Better wage
Limit working hours
What help did the unemployed get?
Temporary work
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