Dear you..
I don't know who you are,
I don't know what you are,
I don't know where you are..
And I don't want to know anything about you,
Can you please,
Go away?
Dear you,
Please, go away from my life,
Please, go away from my time,
Please, go away from my world.
I hate you, as you makes me relaks,
I hate you, as you make me forgot,
I hate you, as you make me do nothing..
Dear you,
Can you please...
I hate being lonely,
I hate being alone,
I hate being just by myself.
But because of you,
I become what i hate the most,
I do what i am not suppose to do,
I don't know who I am anymore.
You know I hate you, right?
So please,
go away from me,
I beg you...
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